I have been watching American Idol from Season 1. I have always disliked Randy Jackson. I have always thought he never contributed to the show. In fact I noticed a distinct change in his "character" after his gastric bypass surgery, he went from being like Paula (compliment everyone, even if it just based on their looks) to trying to be more like Simon. I am now getting to the point where every time he is on the tv screen I want to put a fork in my eye! Thank goodness for recorded tv...I can just fast forward over him. But I thought I would rant a bit about all the things I hate about him first.
These are in no particular order, and this list is not all-inclusive.
1. "Yo"-This must has been little Randy's first word as a baby.
2. "You can definitely blow"-He uses this as a compliment, but then might follow it up with "pitchy"
3. "Pitchy" or "A few pitch problems"-I think he has to use this word because he wouldn't be able to describe the singing as "flat" or "sharp" or anything, he just knows it doesn't sound good.
4. "Season 7"-The word he uses to refer to the contestants (during the auditions he refers to them as the city that they are in, for example..."Boston")
5. Takes a drink after every critique...or at least reaches for his cup
6. "You worked it out"-I just hate this
7. "You did your thing"-I hate this too
8. Boos at Simon at the introduction-I think it is because he wants to tear down his competition (the popular one)
9. Dawgs-Hate it
10. (sucking in) "Sheee" when he is about to deliver "bad" news
11. "Man"
12. "I don't know"-How he ends many critiques, a cop out if you ask me. Maybe because you don't know what you are talking about!
13. During the auditions he would always turn the attention over to "Cowell" to get his opinion before he would offer his own...sounds like someone isn't too sure of himself!
14. Adjective-"like" (i.e., Janis-like Joplin-like, whatever)
15. The blank stare
16. "Alright so listen"
17. Hand symbols (peace, rock-on, etc.)
18. Gratuitous self-promotion of past relationships with celebrities
19. He can't judge the song as a whole, he has to break it up into sections to critique the beginning middle and end.
20. He has to describe how the song effected him: "That wasn't really good for me"
Do you have any things to add to my list? Maybe we can make another post about why we hate Paula Abdul, hey at least she is sober this season.
8 years ago
This is an excellent post. I think you hit everything irritating that he does. I still dislike Paula way more than Randy though. Paula is useless to the show. All she says is how good people look and no one takes anything she says seriously. She did appear to be taking her medication on Wednesday's show, whereas on Tuesday she was very loopy. I almost feel as if the American Idol producers only put Randy and Paula in there because at the beginning the show idea was unknown and they needed some cheap judges. Now they are just afraid to change the formula. Simon is rude, but at least he is honest.
I loved what you had to say about Randy! I love Simon, he is always right..and I can not stand how Randy and Paula interrupt him when he is talking, he doesn't do that to him!
That is funny... I can't make any other comment, since I don't watch the show, but I can see how it would become annoying.
Seriously? Oh no! I love American Idol - Paula does drive me crazy. And I DO HATE how Simon can't say what he wants without the other two interupting him. I like how different Randy and Simon are though. I think they need that. It's a good mix. They need both personalities.
I love Randy Jackson! He's my favorite judge. I love the fact that he says, dawg, you worked it out, yo!
I don't watch the show that often, but yes he bugs me whenever I see him and says "dawg". I feel like he is a 50 year old parent who is trying to be hip like his teenager kids, but really his kids are laughing behind his back.
This was quite the entertaining post Katie! ha!
Awesome blog, I can't stand that dude either... Check out this funny t-shirt!!
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