Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Happy Graduation Class of 2008!

HOORAY!!! I am now a graduate! It has been a very long road, and no I don't have a masters or a PhD, (or even a bachelors-but that isn't important) but I have finally finished school! I am actually not a dental hygienist yet, I still have to pass my state board, but all the classwork is done. Thank goodness.

I need to express my gratitude for all the people who helped me on this journey. First of all, if it weren't for some high school friends (Elisa and Shannon) I don't know if I would
ever have found a career in dentistry at all. They are the ones that inspired me to pursue my education as a dental assistant. Then, there is Danielle and Emily, two inspirational hygienists that got my attention. I am not even sure that these ladies know the influence they have had on me. So, thank you for all the guidance you have given me.

My family has been the most supportive of all. My husband had to be the sole provider (and in southern California, that is not an easy thing to do), and he also had to listen to me whine, cry, complain, brag, vent, etc. etc. etc. In addition to all of that, he has also been a patient of mine, he has actually helped me finish homework assignments, and he has sent me positive and uplifting thoughts and messages by way of text messages, voice mails, notes, flowers, cards, and picking up my slack. I really do have the best husband ever. Thank you Matt, you mean the world to me. Not to mention my parents, my siblings, my in-laws, and so many others. They have never given me anything but hope and drive to accomplish my goals.

I went to a fantastic school, with fantastic classmates. I actu
ally spent the last 2 years with the same 14 people, every class, every day. They are my family too, and we are a team. Tonight was our graduation, and I want to share those moments with you all.

I was happy to receive a "Who's who" award and also the Doni Corban memorial scholarship. I mentioned it previously, but tonight I was given a plaque for the scholarship. It wa
s a nice surprise. It was a nice graduation, where I shed a few tears of joy. It certainly isn't the last time I will see my classmates.

I was so happy that my family was able to make it to my graduation. It was a long drive for them, and lots of traffic, but like I said before, they are all so very supportive.

I had to take a picture of all my goodies. My nephew Tanner picked out my balloon. (You can't see the graduation cap on Sponge Bob's head). I got flowers from my family, a classmate, and also the faculty. I am holding my certificate from the program, and I also displayed my plaque and the "Who's who" award. I didn't take a picture of all the cards and gifts I got. Thank you everyone. It was a special night.


Erin said...

congrats!!!! yaaaayyyy

now you just have to live closer so you can mess with my teeth and yell at me for not flossing :P

oh and cute hair!! (i dunno when you cut it but it looks great!

Jennifer said...

HOORAY!! Congratulations Katie, I'm really happy for you!

Chris Grover said...

sooo worthy of a huge congrats! that is such a great accomplishment and it must feel sooo good! really great!

Daytrippingmom Media said...


Cristin said...

Congrats - although I will be super embarrassed to ever have you clean my teeth - that picture of your class is beautiful by the way.

Candace said...

Congratulations KATIE. I am so proud of you. You are so awesome. We have to get together soon. Are you working full-time?