Wednesday, January 24, 2007

My mommy is leaving!

When I was born my family lived in Utah. My father had just graduated from BYU and we were living in Kearns until I was four years old. We moved to California in 1986 because my dad got a job here and we wanted to be near family. Well, we have come full circle. My mom is returning to Utah 21 years later.

Over the Christms break she went to visit my aunt in Pleasant Grove, UT and while she was there she had a job interview. Within a few weeks she was hired and is expected to be in Utah to start work. The strange part was, that we found out only last week that she is leaving this week. WOW!!! Talk about having to swallow a lot all at once.

And so, she will be leaving her small apartment in Camarillo and will move to Cedar Hills Utah. One of my mom's goals over the last 21 years was to own a home. Well, in Camarillo that isn't exactly an inexpensive purchase so it never happened. However, we have found that in Utah her mortgage payment won't be that much different than paying rent at an apartmnet here... GO MOM!

Well, goodbye to my mom, I try to visit her now as much as I can, but the trip to Utah is a little far so I am hoping for twice a year. What do you think? Enough? Too much? Well, either way, I love my mom and I will miss her.

P.S. My little sister might be going too, but first we have to make sure her high school credits will transfer to the new school, otherwise she won't be able to graduate.... for the record, I will miss her too.

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