Thursday, December 11, 2008

Update from the doctor

I am convinced that the only other type of doctor besides a dentist that is truly hated by their patients has got to be the obstetrician.

Taking what I know about how much dentists are hated I can see a lot of parallels here, and it was just something I started to observe over the last couple of visits.

From the obstetricians point of view what he/she gets to hear all day, every day, is about how their super hormonal women (lets face it, women are already super hormonal without adding pregnancy!) patients that are in some kind of constant discomfort, or pain, or have some other kind of ailment. Almost always, there is nothing the doctor can do, except for tell the patient that whatever they are experiencing is "normal."

My first experience with this was in one of my very first appointments with my doctor. I told him I was having sciatic pain, and his response was "I'm sorry." And that was the end of the discussion. What could he do? Did I expect him to give me some kind of miracle therapy that hundreds of thousands of people haven't already tried?

I also go onto online pregnancy forums and read what other pregnant women have to say about their doctors. The majority of them HATE their doctors and they all seem to think that the doctor has some kind of grudge against them.

And so, to obstetricians everywhere, I am sorry. I am sorry your patients hate you. I am sorry you have to go to work every day and face an angry mob of pregnant women. I am sorry that you have to listen to women complain all day, and you having no solution to give. Apparently the only cure for pregnancy is actually having the baby. Go figure.

So, having said all of that... :) Let me tell ya about my doctor's appointment today. I am 40 weeks and 1 day along. My doctor checked me, and I was only 1 & 1/2 cm dilated (he didn't mention effacement or anything else). So he decided to stretch my cervix! OUCH! He said that this could usually stimulate labor within 48 hours...but if not, how about Saturday? Meaning, let's induce labor on Saturday.

I have to tell you that I have always been a little torn on the issue of inducing. There is the old fashioned side of me that feels like I should just wait for labor to begin on its own, and allow me the opportunity as a woman for my body to do what it is supposed to do naturally. On the other hand, I have been super uncomfortable, and if the baby has to come out, then lets get him out! My sister was induced with her labor...and ended up having an emergency c-section (and if I am not mistaken, my sister-in-law, Aracely had the same experience).

So just to be sure, I wanted to ask him if inducing at this point was medically necessary. Well, my doctor must have been in a hurry to get to his next abusive patient, because he was practically out the door when I started to ask him my question. I believe I said something like "Is there a reason we are going to induce instead of waiting?" Oh boy, now I did it! He turned and looked at me with this confused/frustrated look, I suppose I really caught him off guard.
He then went on to go into a small little lecture about how for the last 2 appointments all that he has heard from me was that I wanted the baby out, and he was just giving me what I wanted! It was like, "How dare you ask me that question!" So then, I clarified by saying that I didn't mind inducing, but I was just curious as to why we should induce instead of waiting. Is there a medical reason, or is it just to get me to shut up?

Of course he gave me the medical response: higher risks in delivery, more complications, blah blah blah. But if you ask was pretty obvious that he just wants to put me out of my misery.

I have to admit I was really annoyed with him for responding like I was hurting his feelings. Believe me, I have been a really good patient! I have always been on time, I never complain, and I don't ever ask him a million questions. I go in, get my check up, and I leave. I asked more questions when I was buying our mattress than I have at all of my appointments! So, when I have a legitimate question I get 'tude from the doc! Oh well.

And so... for those of you that didn't catch the details in my crazy rantings:

I am going in to be induced this Saturday at 9:00am, unless I go into labor before then. So, it looks like I will be a mommy by Sunday! :) Induced or not...that is pretty awesome!


Daytrippingmom Media said...

Congrats Katie :) That's funny about women hating their OB's. I actually love love my doctor. He is one of the most helpful and patient men and always took the time to answer my concerns and try to offer suggestions. I guess I'm really lucky!!!
My doctor does not believe in inducing until 42 weeks because he believes it's the leading cause of C-sections. I had to be induced because of Lauren's heart rate. It was dipping from 150 to 40 so he said we had to get her out. He tried induction but her heart rate actually stopped one time during a contraction and he decided that a C-section was the only option. That said I know many women that are induced and avoid a c section. I hope you don't have to have one but if you do- they are not that bad. I'm up and walking with minimal discomfort in 12 hours. Good luck girl!!

Katie said...

Thanks Aracely! I will be sure to be in touch! :)

Ashley said...

I don't even think your question was even mean at all, but he probably was confused by it since you want the baby out. I don't think yelling at you was a good choice on his end. Sorry and good luck!

Stephanie said...

I was induced, best thing ever! 10 hours later, I had a baby via natural birth.

Jennifer said...

That made me laugh your whole thing about the dr.'s having to deal with angry hormonal pregnant women all day! I know I was probably one of them. I was induced with Hannah and had a c-section but only because she was too big for me. All 4 of my sisters and my sister in-law were all induced and none of them had to have a c-section. Good luck on Saturday and I'll be thinking of you!

Cristin said...

Don't you even get me started about this. Aracely's doctor is right. Induction is the leading cause of unplanned c-sections. Any medical intervention increases your risk of c-section. I don't get why doctor's induce at your stage, unless to make you happy. You are only a few days post due date. That is nothing!

I have a ton of respect for women who are able to pull of labor without pain medication when they are induced. I could never do it. The contractions are unnaturally extreme and well, I'll stop, I really could go on for a long time. I have such strong feelings about this. Good luck with everything. The most important thing is that you have a healthy baby in the end.

Candace said...

Yeah, I was over a week late when the induced me. I was a little worried about being induced. I can't wait to see pictures of your little man.

Shannon Nielsen said...

It doesn't matter how the baby gets here, or how God gives him to you, healthy, disabled, what does matter is that you take the time to enjoy the sweet moments of proud and amazed parenthood with Matt. If you have an epidural or don't - the baby still comes and it's still just as hard. No badge of honor despite what my Mother In Law would tell you! Told my grandma you were having the baby this weekend and she was so thrilled for you guys! She loves the name Scott!