Friday, December 5, 2008

The return of Socks

Do you remember my post about the neighbor's cat, "Socks?" Well yesterday we had a funny little incident with him.

We were outside cleaning out our cars and we weren't paying attention. Apparently we had left our front door open. Later, we came inside and we were just hanging out. I was on the phone with Candace and I looked down the hall by chance, and there he was! He had sneaked into the house and had spent some time in the baby's room and was on his way into our bedroom when I saw him.

"Matt! Socks is in the house!" So Matt went down and walked Socks to the front door. We let him out and that was the end of it. But I just thought it was the funniest situation. Could you imagine if I hadn't seen Socks previously trying to sneak in? I would have freaked out seeing a random cat in the house! But luckily we know our little Socks, and he has finally successfully made it into the house! Bad kitty, and bad us for leaving the door open.

1 comment:

Candace said...

Thanks for helping out that day. By the way, Tyler was right...for once.