Sunday, July 15, 2007

BBQ fun!

Matt's birthday is coming up soon, so yesterday while we were out and about we happened to come across the idea of purchasing a BBQ... we rationalized and called it his birthday present and bought a brand new BBQ!! Matt and I both love to BBQ and the one here at the house is less than safe, so we haven't been able to BBQ in a long time. Matt's personal favorite food to BBQ is pork ribs. He spends all day preparing them, and then BBQs them to perfection. The bone slips right out of the meat. MMMMMMM delicious! So going back to the idea that Matt's birthday is coming up, I wanted to throw a party of sorts for him. What better idea for a summer birthday than a BBQ, so therefore...we are now prepared for his birthday party!

We were pretty anxious to put the BBQ together so, as soon as we got home from church we pulled it out and got to work!
Matt is not too impulsive, he always looks at the directions first!

Hmm, where did Matt go?

Katie helped too... and yes, we built the BBQ in the house.

Check out Matt's GRILL!!

Katie will now model the BBQ for your viewing pleasure

Matt celebrates with an icy Otter-pop

Happy Summer everyone!! I will be sure to post pictures of our first BBQ party!


Erin said...

Hurray for BBQs!! I think we have already gone through 2 bottles of propane since it got warm out. Nothing better than bbqing eating outside and playing some games outside with friends :)

Shannon Nielsen said...

Wish we could get "the boys" together and BBQ while we gab and sip lemonade...aaahhh perfection! Have fun with it!

Cristin said...

That's great! We bought a big BBQ like that a few years ago and use that thing like 5 times a week during the summer. You'll be like how did we live before the BBQ?

Chris Grover said...

I think our husbands must have known each other in another life! My husband was OBSESSED with buying a BBQ and now we gril at least 3-4 times a week! We love it! AND, the Otter Pops! Ohhh how my hubby loves the Otter Pops!

Candace said...

I love to BBQ. That is all we cook now. Happy Birthday Matt!